Most people have car insurance, but how many people really understand it? After all, each car insurance policy contains many different coverages, and some of them aren’t the easiest things in the world to understand.
This resource centre explains the ins and outs of car insurance, and all the different types of coverage available to drivers in Canada. Take a few minutes to review the articles below. If you have a specific question that you would like us to answer, please email us and we’ll do our best to respond.
For hundreds of other helpful articles created specifically for homeowners, tenants, landlords, and more, visit our resource centres.
Learn how car insurance premiums are calculated, including the factors that may lead to premium increases (plus, how to reduce them).
Learn about the difference kinds of car insurance deductibles available, and how to choose the right deductibles when you buy car insurance.
All perils car insurance is the broadest coverage you can buy for your car. Here, learn what it covers and how it works.
Comprehensive car insurance is (usually) optional. Here, learn what it covers, when you need it, and how it compares to other options.
What is collision coverage on your car insurance policy? Learn about this optional coverage and how collision settlements work.
DCPD (direct compensation for property damage) car insurance is mandatory in many provinces. Here, learn how it works and what it covers.
What happens if your application for car insurance is declined in Ontario, Alberta, or Quebec? Learn about your options here.
What's loss of use coverage in car insurance? Learn about here, including how loss of use works and all about rental car eligibility.
Learn about accident benefits and car insurance in Ontario. We cover the mandatory benefits and the options for expanded benefits.
Specified perils coverage is an option for many car insurance policies. Here, we'll explain what it covers and compare it to other options.
Third-party liability is an important concept in car insurance. Here, learn how third-party liability coverage works in car insurance.
There are many car insurance coverages available in Canada. Learn about all of them on this page, from damage coverage to liability.
Every driver in Canada needs car insurance, but not every driver fully understands what it's for. Here, learn all about this crucial coverage.
Drivers in Ontario can decline DCPD coverage when they buy car insurance. Should they? Here, learn the pitfalls of going without DCPD.
Learn about car insurance endorsement OPCF 27 in Ontario, which covers damage to rental cars and certain other non-owned vehicles.
Your guide to loss of use car insurance endorsements in Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta. Learn how they work and why you should have them.
Learn how hit and run coverage works, what it protects, and if a hit and run affects your insurance premium.
How do you pay less for car insurance in Canada? Try one (or all) of these 16 simple tips for reducing your car insurance premiums.
Learn about car insurance endorsements OPCF 44R and SEF 44: Family Protection Coverage in Ontario and Alberta — and why they're crucial to have.
Myths and misconceptions are everywhere in car insurance. Learn the truth behind these 12 common car insurance myths.
Learn who's allowed to drive under your car insurance, what happens if they get into an accident, and what happens when you borrow someone else's car.
GAP insurance can be an important consideration when leasing or financing a vehicle. Learn how it works and if it's right for you.
Learn how insurance companies determine if your car is totaled, what compensation you can expect, and how you can get back on the road.
What is no-fault insurance in Canada? Learn about your coverage, clear up misconceptions, and see how it differs across provinces.
For someone new to Canada, learn about Canadian car insurance. Including basics, foreign driving experience, and driver's licence exchanges.
Learn about waivers of depreciation for your car insurance policy, including how they work and why you might need one.
Learn which types of damage car insurance will pay to repair, and which types it won't. Plus, how to get coverage for non-insurable damage.
Learn about payment options when you buy car insurance from Square One. Plus find applicable taxes and fees, and the cancellation and refund process.
Learn about how accident forgiveness coverage works in Ontario and the conditions needed to qualify for it.
Which drivers does your insurer want to know about? And, what happens if you don't disclose them? Learn more in this article.
Learn about parking lot accidents, including how insurers determine fault, actions to take post-accident, and how to avoid them altogether.