Why should you switch to us?

57,429 delighted online reviews and counting

Square One Insurance Services is different than other providers. Our mission is to make the home insurance process effortless, whether you’re getting a quote or making a claim. With us, you get an experienced team, genuine service, and excellent protection at the lowest possible price.

Read below to see what our customers love (and write) about us. You can also read all 57,429 reviews submitted to Square One by visiting the reviews page. We’d love you to have the same experience by choosing us as your home insurance provider.

Thumbs up icon

“Best coverage in 12 years, and cheaper”

If you feel like your current provider isn’t giving you the best deal, you’ll love what we can do. Square One is the only place in North America where you can personalize your policy to meet your needs. This provides you with more relevant protection at a great price:

  • Tenants policies from $12/month
  • Condo policies from $40/month
  • House policies from $75/month
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“Covered for water backups and more”

Other providers can leave you feeling unprotected at the worst possible time. Most policies charge you extra for critical water backup protection. The comprehensive policies offered by Square One protect against all types of loss, including:

  • Break-ins
  • Burst pipes
  • Fires
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“Love that I only pay for what I need”

The core protection you get with Square One is a great start compared to most other home insurance providers. Common personal property is automatically covered so you don’t have to itemize everything. But you might want to make sure you have protection for specialty property, like bikes, sporting equipment, jewellery, musical instruments and more.

When you get your quote online, it’s easy to quickly select any additional items you want to insure. No more unnecessary dollars spent on coverage you don’t need. We call this relevant protection.

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“A company focused on satisfaction”

The professionals that started Square One have more than a combined 100 years of experience in the insurance industry. They recognized that traditional home insurance wasn’t meeting the needs of customers. So, they designed a completely new program from scratch. As a result, you can now:

  • Choose exactly what you want to insure and for how much
  • Buy directly online or save for later
  • Get instant coverage the minute you buy
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“Helped when my old provider wouldn’t”

Tired of long wait times, being passed from person to person, and dealing with unhelpful employees? You won’t face any of these at Square One.

Whether you decide to email or call us, you’ll always get a prompt response. Our agents are highly qualified and knowledgeable so you get reliable answers to your questions quickly. You can also use our online chat, 24 hours a day.


“Claim processed in less than a week”

What you really want to know with insurance is how you’ll be treated if you do need to make a claim. Rest assured, we’re committed to treating you fairly:

  • 24/7 emergency claims service
  • Guaranteed 2-hour response for emergency claims
  • A single, consistent point of contact for all claims
  • Quickly track each stage of your claim online
  • All claims are dealt with fairly and transparently

“Easy-to-update if your situation changes”

One of the most refreshing changes that our customers love is that we’ve worked hard to make everything easy and flexible. For example:

  • Pay monthly with no interest charges
  • No long-term contracts, cancel at any time with no penalty
  • Manage your policy online or by phone at any time (for free)
  • Easy-to-understand policy documents

“You can do everything online”

We’re always here by phone if you need us, but we built a great online system to serve you faster than most providers.

All policy documents are sent to you immediately by email to make it convenient and environmentally friendly. Since 2011, we’ve saved over 15 million pieces of paper and tens of thousands of envelopes.

By keeping overhead costs low, we can pass on the savings to you.

Want to learn more about Square One?

If you’d like to learn more about what makes Square One different than other home insurance providers, you should watch these two short videos.

The way home insurance should be

How home insurance should be

This 2-minute video describes how we’ve changed home insurance and why you’ll love it.

How We Do It

How do we do it?

And, this 30-second video explains how you get better protection, pricing and service from Square One.